Apr 2024

Ep 35: Chaz Smith - Lessons from a tree service entrepreneur

Dig It Tree Company is a tree services enterprise based in Mason, Ohio, specializing in tree removal, trimming, and stump grinding. Founded in 2011, the company initially started in Wilmington, Ohio, before relocating to Mason for better business opportunities. Owned by Chaz Smith, Dig It Tree Company prides itself on quality workmanship, insured services, and employing certified arborists, catering to both residential and commercial clients within a 30-40 mile radius. Despite their growth and success, they maintain a commitment to keeping operations small to ensure quality and community-focused service.

About the Business


“You think working for yourself is cool, but it’s a marathon. It’s not a race. You know, most guys wash out really quick. Just keep plugging. There’s going to be hard times. You’re going to have to work for cheap at first, get your name out. I had to build my name first before really anybody trusted me.”

1. Chaz Smith’s journey from starting Dig It Tree Company in 2011 in Wilmington, Ohio, to moving it to Mason, Ohio, for business growth. 2. Early mistakes and learning experiences, including issues with purchasing cheap equipment and challenges with marketing and finding reliable marketing support until partnering with Topline Pro. 3. The evolution of the tree services industry since 2011, including the impact of the emerald ash borer and changes in the competitive landscape. 4. Current business outlook for 2024, including an increase in demand leading to a significant backlog of work and expectations to potentially double revenue, partly thanks to the partnership with Topline Pro.


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