May 2024

Ep 37: Nick Slavik - Building a painting empire

Nick Slavik Painting & Restoration Co., established in 2007, is a distinguished painting business based in New Prague, Minnesota, known for its exceptional craftsmanship. The company is led by Nick Slavik, an army veteran and a recognized leader in the painting industry, who has guided the company to national acclaim with 15 national awards. Nick Slavik Painting & Restoration also focuses on educational initiatives, offering master classes through the Painting Contractors Association to foster industry standards and enhance professional skills. Over the years, the company has grown significantly, reflecting Nick’s commitment to quality, community involvement, and industry advancement.

About the Business


“Painting is easy. The humans are difficult... it has literally retrained my mind and reset the standards of how humans interact... And I literally have become a better father and a human because of my paint business.”

1. Nick Slavik’s origin story in the painting industry, starting as a child in his family business, his military service, and establishing his own company after being excluded from the family business. 2. The pivotal moment when all three of his trained employees left, prompting him to professionalize his business operations significantly. 3. Insight into the Painting Contractors Association (PCA) and how it has innovatively supported the growth and professionalization of the painting industry. 4. Nick’s perspective on the future evolution of the painting industry, emphasizing increased professionalism, business acumen, and the significant role of marketing and digital presence.


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